Sunday, September 23, 2007

Job Interviews

There were three things that stuck out to me on the articles I read: removing your wedding ring, doing all nighters, and using faceboook and myspace. I never knew how these random subjects could pertain to job interview.
I never knew that some people remove their wedding bands at interviews that seems so immodest. It almost seems like cheatings. I find that very offenseive that some people would put a job over their marriage. What else do these people put over their job.
In another interview I read thaat all-nighters and facebook are good for learning about the business world. This is very shocking. I never knew though about all nighters being a good thing, but I guess they train you to get last second projects done. Facebook being a good thing for job interviews was odd tooo. I never see anything good from facebook than waasting your time, but the article mentioned that it facillitates communication with people. I think that is pushing it a little because than my little sister who is only in 8th grade is ready for a job. She spends all her time at home on facebook or myspace that it is unhealthy.
There are some odd things I learned from these articles.

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